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                         "Greatest Winning Streak In Sport"

WrestleMania VII (1–0)

The Legend of The Undertaker was born in this match against The Superfly. Every streak has to start somewhere and everyone involved obviously had no clue to the historic moment.

Snuka was defeated by The Undertaker at WrestleMania VII, which began

The Undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania.

WrestleMania VIII (2–0)

Jake Roberts appeared on The Funeral Parlor to demand answers from the Undertaker about why he stopped him from attacking Elizabeth. When Roberts was dissatisfied with the answers, he DDT'ed Bearer and, after jamming Undertaker's hand in a coffin, began hitting him with a steel chair, Undertaker was able to fend off the blows and chased Roberts backstage dragging the coffin behind him.

WrestleMania IX (3–0)

The Undertaker and Giant Gonzalez faced each other one final time at SummerSlam 1993 in a Rest in Peace match, in which neither wrestler could be disqualified. The Undertaker won the match to end the feud. After the match, a frustrated Gonzalez chokeslammed Wippleman to the delight of the fans and turned face in the process.

WrestleMania XI (4–0)

King Kong Bundy achieved mainstream recognition in the World Wrestling Federation (WWF, now WWE) in the 1980s and 1990s he headlined WrestleMania 2 in 1986 against Hulk Hogan in a steel cage match for the WWF Championship, and at WrestleMania XI in 1995, he was the fourth victim of what would become The Undertaker's famous

WrestleMania XII (5–0)

The Undertaker endures plenty of punishment from Diesel and still finds a way to take back control of their big man battle at WrestleMania 12 on March 31, 1996.

Diesel basically just beat the hell out of the Undertaker for practically the entire match until Undertaker hit him with a clothesline, a chokeslam, and a Tombstone to continue his streak. 

WrestleMania 13 (6–0)

 Undertaker went for an Old School but Sid took him in abearhug. Sid attacked with various moves and attacked with television monitors, and applied a camel clutch on Undertaker. Sid had the match until Hart came back and attacked him with a steel chair. He recovered and got Undertaker in the powerbomb but Hart returned again and distracted Sid which allowed Undertaker to hit him with the Tombstone and win the match.

WrestleMania XIV (7–0)

Undertaker kicked out and after landing his opponent with a clothesline, he chokeslammed Kane and then delivered a tombstone piledriver of his own; but Kane kicked out. It would eventually take three tombstones with a guillotine leg drop and flying clothesline in between to stop Kane kicking out and sitting up but as soon as the match was over Bearer attacked Undertaker and ordered Kane to attack him, with a chair shot to the head and a tombstone piledriver onto the chair. 

WrestleMania XV (8–0)

Undertaker stood up and looked to the heavens with his hands upwards, signaling The Brood to descend onto the roof of the cell. They cut open the roof of the cell and passed through a noose, securing the other end to the top of the cell. The Brood then ascended back into the rafters as Undertaker put the noose around Boss Man's neck, with Paul Bearer causing the Cell to rise and take a hanging Boss Man with it.

WrestleMania X-Seven (9–0)

Triple H gaveto The Undertaker several shots in the head with a steel chair but was reversed into a chokeslam off the scaffolding followed by an  elbow drop. Triple H tried to pin Undertaker after preventing Undertaker's Last Ride maneuver with a sledgehammer shot in the head but only gained a two-count.

Triple H sent to The Undertaker into the corner with shots to the head but Undertaker countered them with the Last Ride, allowing him to pin Triple H.

WrestleMania X8 (10–0)

Near the end of the match, Arn Anderson dashed out into the ring and hit a Spinebuster on The Undertaker. Despite this, the move only gave Flair a two-count and soon after, Undertaker locked Anderson in a Dragon sleeper. Flair broke them up with a few chair shots on Undertaker's back. The Undertaker retaliated with a big boot and failing a Last Rideattempt, Undertaker hit the Tombstone Piledriver on Flair and pinned him to increase his WrestleMania winning streak to 10–0.

WrestleMania XIX (11–0)

The Undertaker in the beginning of the match, however late into the match, Jones entered the match and attacked Show, which allowed The Undertaker to deliver a Tombstone piledriver on A-Train into a successful pinfall,

The Undertaker won the match and remained undefeated at WrestleMania.

WrestleMania XX (12–0)

The two continued brawling until Kane delivered a Chokeslam to Undertaker, which he sat up from shortly afterward while Kane was taunting Paul Bearer. The Undertaker then retaliated giving a Kane a Chokeslam of his own and executing his deadly finisher Tombstone piledriver into a successful pinfall,The Undertaker won the match.

WrestleMania 21 (13–0)

Undertaker attempted to chokeslam Orton, but Orton countered the maneuver with an RKO that led to a two-count. Orton then attempted to use Undertaker's own finishing maneuver against him with the Tombstone piledriver, however, it was reversed by Undertaker into a Tombstone piledriver of his own which led to the definitive pin fall.

WrestleMania 22 (14–0)

Undertaker took the advantage and hit Henry with a Last Ride. While Henry was out of the ring, Undertaker hit him with a suicide dive over the top rope. Undertaker then performed a Tombstone Piledriver on Henry and pushed him into the casket to win the match and improve his WrestleMania record to 14–0.

WrestleMania 23 (15–0)

Batista executed a Spinebuster by grabbing The Undertaker by the waist and slamming him down to the mat back first, followed by a Batista Bomb. Undertaker then pinned Batista following a Tombstone piledriver to become the World Heavyweight Champion and emerge from WrestleMania with his winning streak intact.

WrestleMania XXIV (16–0)

Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder came to the ring for Edge's aid, but Undertaker took them out. Because of their distraction, Edge was able to hit a spear on Undertaker, but was unable to pin him. When Edge delivered another spear to Undertaker, the latter caught him in his Hell's Gate submission hold and forced Edge to tap out to become the new World Heavyweight Champion.

WrestleMania XXV (17–0)

The Undertaker hit Michaels with a massive Tombstone Piledriver, but Shawn kicked out. Undertaker finally won the match after Michaels ascended the top rope, attempting to perform another moonsault only to be caught in mid-air by The Undertaker and hit another Tombstone Piledriver and pinning him. As a result of this victory, The Undertaker remained undefeated at WrestleMania, record 17–0.

Match of the Year.

WrestleMania XXVI (18–0)

Undertaker began to signal the end for Michaels, but stopped his cut-throat action and told Michaels to stay down. Michaels, however, taunted Undertaker by completing the action on his own and slapping him in the face. Then Undertaker responded with a third jumping Tombstone Piledriver and pinned the fallen Shawn Michaels for the win, and extended his undefeated streak at WrestleMania to 18–0,

ending Michaels' career.

WrestleMania XXVII (19–0)

After many steel chair shots, TripleH scream to The Undertaker to stay down, Triple H got it and had the match when he executed Undertaker’s Tombstone Piledriver, but Undertaker once again kicked out. Triple H then grabbed a sledgehammer, but Undertaker locked the Hell’s Gate on Triple H. He tried to fight out of it, but Triple H tapped out. The Undertaker’s WrestleMania streak 19-0.

WrestleMania XXVIII (20–0)

After being hit with multiplePedigrees, a Sweet Chin Music, and multiple chair and sledgehammer shots, Undertaker came back and executed a Tombstone Piledriver; however, Triple H kicked out. Triple H hit one more Pedigree before the Undertaker kicked out, took back control, he locked in the Hell's Gate on Triple H hit another Tombstone, and won the match to extend his undefeated streak to 20–0. 

WrestleMania 29 (21–0)

Heyman handed him the urn, which he struck on the back of Undertaker's head. Punk then mocked Undertaker's traditional pinning style for another two-count. Punk and Undertaker proceeded to trade near-finishers, with the Undertaker's Tombstone finally winning out, securing his victory and improving his streak to 21 wins.

End of The Streak-WrestleMania XXX

Brock Lesnar became the guy who finally conquered the Phenom’s undefeated streak of 21-0 at WrestleMania. Brock Lesnar pinned the Undertaker in 25 minutes and 10 seconds to end the undefeated WrestleMania streak.

Undertaker was legitimately hospitalised afterwards with a severe concussion suffered early in the match.

As reminded by Paul Heyman several times, Brock Lesnar is the “1” in “21-1”. 

 Bray Wyatt vs The Undertaker 

Taker goes for another Tombstone but Bray counters with Sister Abigail for two, then the ref starts a count but Bray pops up and spider walks to the center of the ring. Taker sits up and dares Bray to challenge him, then they slug it out before Bray sets up Sister Abigail again. Taker shoves Bray into the corner, then Taker catches him off the rebound and hits a Tombstone for the win. 

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