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The Undertaker "QUOTES"



-You better not worry about that belt, worry about me   punching a six inch hole in your chest.


-There will be no mercy, only slain bodies and taken souls.


-I may not dress like Satan anymore, but I'm still down with the devil and I will go medieval on your ass!


-I'll tell you what my medical opinion is, Kurt Angle is going to need a doctor to resurgically remove my foot from his ass! 


-You're stepping in private property. This is my yard, and you are stepping on it


-If you ever disrespect me like that again, I will rip your throat out, and choke you with your own tongue.


-Shawn Michaels has his date with destiny. At Hell in the Cell, there's only one way out, and that's over... my dead body. Unfortunately for Shawn Michaels, I can never rest in peace. But I sure can enjoy watching Shawn Michaels's rotting corpse burn in eternal damnation.


- You will, REST...........IN.........PEACE


-That wrestling ring is my yard and I'm the big dog that runs that yard.


-The sands of time are passing through your hourglass. Day by day it will continue to empty until there is nothin left. And when there is nothing left you, Mark Henry, in peace!


-Now Vince McMahon, Mr. McMahon, whatever it is you like to be called, I think it's time you got yo' pencil-neck geek ass out here and faced the reaper!


-Try me I will make you famous


-You shouldn't be afraid...You should be terrified!


-Once evil was simply perceived as that which man did not understand. Now however he understands it all too well. Evil is the part of man he attempts to shun. A side of himself he seeks to deny. Everything man is determined to destroy can be found within his own heart. Tonight the reckoning is upon us, tonight darkness will seize the land, destroy all that you hold dear and make play things of your heroes. Steve Austin behold my awesome powers, I come to you tonight laden with sin, seething with evil. Tonight I will strip you of that which you hold dear, then I will devour your soul. For I am the reaper of men, the chaser of souls, the weaver of nightmares, the heart of darkness. I am now and ever will be the purity of evil, and all encompassing darkness from which there is no mercy, no hope and no escape.



-Kane until our paths cross again, I shall never rest in peace!


-21 men have stepped up & 21 men have been set down now I do not claim to be better than my victims...but at the show case of immortals, I will go farther than anyone else and that is WHY the streak stays alive. Now I'm sure Brock Lesnar is thinkin' about "How I'm going to break the streak?!" Well Brock, what you should be thinking about is...what's gonna happen when I take you out into the deep water and when your feets can no longer touch the bottom? What are you gonna do Brock? Are you gonna try to grab me and take me down to the bottom with you or are you gonna try to turn around and swim back to the shore? Brock, every opponent of mine has made that decision, they have been in the same situation you will be this sunday and they tried to swim back to the shore but not one of them have made it yet. Now I know Brock did you very dangerous and I know that there are many who think my time will come and the streak will be broken....but there are many more who believe in three things...three things that cant be beat. Death, Taxes and the Streak. Brock Lesnr this Sunday at WM you will REST IN PEACE!


-The strongest of the strong and the greatest of the great don't know when to leave well enough alone. You have to realize that there are mountains that cannot be climbed, seas that cannot be sailed and streaks...that! Trible H said much that I couldn't agree with. We are the last of an era! But the thing that Trible H said that i found most interesting is that he has figured out HOW to destroy the Undertaker, HOW to make the Undertaker disapear forever. Well it is quite simple, all you have to do is beat the Undertaker at WrestleMania. Easier said than done...if he loses, and he will lose! He will become nothing more than a statistic, a name on a long list of people that came before him trying to do the exact same thing. I play no game and I bow down to no man espacially the King of Kings. I am the last Outlaw!


-The Streak will be alive and so will I.


-For nearly a year every passing moment of every passing day I have lived the memory of the beating that I took at the hands of HHH last year at WM. It has been a livin' hell not a physically. So 3 weeks ago I came in this very ring and challanged Trible H for one more match at WM and never in my wildest nightmares I expected the answer that I got, he said "NO". But you see Hunter you miss the point, the choice to make was not yours. This has to come to an end. We are, you like it or not, the last of our kind. That is something you cannot lie to yourself about, you can lie to Shawn but you can't lie to me.


-SHUT UP, I don't need it, but lemme tell you something, it's the excuses you keep coming up with not to do this. Hey Business Man, to makes this clear for me coz it really is bothering me. Is it bad


-It's been a great ride for me.

Hopefully the ride is not over 

Hopefully there's a few more little curves and twists in the road.

But, i tell u what when i do get to the end of the road ...

It'll be full throttle, and everybody else will be trying to get my dust out of their teeth.for business I gone or is it bad for business that you will be gone?

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